Orion Virtual Site Survey*

Orion VSS* is proven technology used by premier security agencies to gain a multi-directional view of their infrastructure and facilities.



  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Government Facilities
  • Critical Infrastructure Sites


  • Facility crisis response plans and operations
  • Advanced site surveys
  • Route analysis and documentation
  • Table-top exercises
  • Tactical response planning
  • Interactive training and CBT modules
  • Forensic scene documentation and presentation


  • The United States Secret Service (USSS) 
  • Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) 
  • Bureau of Alcohol-Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) 
  • Transportation Safety Administration’s (TSA) 
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)


Additional Information

Provides a visual 3-D facility/infrastructure lay down. A valuable tool in planning and training to combat terrorism and active shooter situations.

Graphical display gives complete spatial awareness to a viewer, so they always understand their location in relationship to the facility layout.

Used for forensic scene documentation and as a delivery tool for litigation support on cases involving scene and spatial awareness.

Interactive mapping imagery, GIS, web content, or remote data may be viewed in any window instantly, in any order.

Data lay down is contained on an encrypted USB thumb drive which can be kept on-site or a central offsite location or can be downloadable on a devise used by an on-seen crisis commander.



Orion VSS* project file requires no installation, no plug-ins, or downloads, and leaves no footprint when it is removed from a host device. The project file contains internal engines and viewers that enable the user to interact with virtually any type of content. Orion VSS* project files can be transported or transferred via flash drive, ftp, cd, email, or other means of transport deemed necessary in consideration of security requirements.

Orion VSS* contains a security feature which allows for stipulating terms and scope of use. Any Orion VSS* project file can be scheduled to self-scrub (unrecoverable) after any predetermined number of uses or time frame. In this way, the project file owner can release multiple copies of a single Orion VSS* project file to support a given activity, exercise or operation knowing that all copies of the original project file will disappear according to their preference or requirements. Additionally, the Orion VSS* project file owner can stipulate any level of security desired. The entire project file can be secured as discrete content contained within.


Every Orion VSS* project file contains a robust white-board feature that is simple to use. Designed as a collaborative, multi-purpose tool, the white board supports single-screen or full event capture so that scenarios can be developed, or incidents and events can be managed real-time and then played back in after-action reviews. Individual white-board projects allow for multiple layers so scenarios can be preloaded for training and exercises, making the white board a powerful instructional tool. White-board projects can be saved outside the Orion VSS* project files but can only be opened by authorized users who have been issued copies of the originating Project File.


  • Portability – Orion VSS* can run on any Windows based device, including workstations, laptops, and tablets, with no pre-configuration required. In addition, Orion VSS* can be streamed to smartphones and other mobile devices. Files can be transferred/conveyed in any manner the customer desires. Orion VSS* is Web-enhanced and enriched but not Web-dependent. When there is no network access, files can operate on a self-contained basis.
  • Integrated Viewers – Any type of video, audio, sensor, or application can be run within an Orion VSS* file. No plug-ins or downloads are required.
  • Touch Interactive – Orion VSS* can be driven by a standard mouse, a gyro or ‘air’ mouse, a stylus used in conjunction with an e-beam, or by using a finger on a smart board or any other touch-enabled screen. No special software is required to use Orion VSS* in any touch-enabled environment.
  • Zero Installation and Zero Footprint – Orion VSS* Project Files are fully contained binary executable files that run-in memory and do not install, when removed, it leaves no trace behind.
  • Facilitates Rapid Analysis for Decision Support – With the visual, intuitive, and icon-based file menu display, even ‘big data’ is easy to filter and sort enabling fast access to whatever a user desires in support of any requirement.


SC GLOBAL VENTURES, INC. is a distributor and service provider for Orion VSS*. We build customized, scalable, solutions based on customer needs domestically or internationally. To date we have deployed Orion VSS* inside civilian, governmental, and military environments.

* Orion Virtual Site Survey or Orion VSS is formerly Orator Plus.